Pie in yo face 27/01/09

check my lookbook: http://lookbook.nu/adyingdandy
hahahahah its my first look i'd really appreciate it :D

Many a true word is spoken in jest 18/01/09

Ok so there are quite a few things on my mind//

- b2s tomorow not looking forward to it *uber stress ugh
- i was sick for my last week off ughh
- i just watched a whole anime series to find out the last episode has not been
realesed yet -_- ughhh
- ughhhh
- now i'm listening to a band that reminds me of a close friend
and we don't talk anymroe ughhhhh

But overall i'm almost done college
and i have no idea what i want to do AHAH

HEAD START 10/01/09

ok so portfolio is due on the 23rd of february
and i'm really not going to lie, i'm stressed beyonddddddd belief
so i'm painting now til i go back to school and i hope to do some lino too :)

this is just to tide you over in case i don't make it back before school ahah

my faves from a few of my faves

brandy alexander 04/01/09

ok so i also remembered this and thought i should share it with you
soo soo slimming

i just have to 04/01/09

ok so .......

Happy new years guys !!!

2k9 woot woot
we all have to see this movie no matter whattttttt